
1. Davis Park Davis Field is a baseball field located in Dedham, Massachusetts, at 118 Eastern Avenue within Barnes Memorial Park. It is a popular spot for youth baseball games, particularly for Babe Ruth League players. The field features bleacher seating, a concession stand, and restrooms. Davis Field is...

December 9, 2023What Is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that offers a clear and comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces. It utilizes a series of custom-made, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth, providing patients with an aesthetically pleasing and discreet way to achieve their desired smiles. How Does Invisalign® Work? Invisalign® treatment...

December 9, 2023What Is A Dental Implant?

Losing a tooth can have a significant impact on your smile, confidence, and even your ability to eat and speak properly. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers a revolutionary solution in the form of dental implants. These small, screw-like posts are surgically implanted into the jawbone, mimicking the natural root of...

Cavities, also known as dental caries, are areas of decay on the surface of your teeth caused by plaque and bacteria. They are a common dental issue, affecting millions of people worldwide. While the presence of a cavity itself is not necessarily a dental emergency, the severity of the...

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental bridges emerge as a popular choice, offering a stable and aesthetically pleasing solution. But with any dental treatment, one of the primary concerns is its longevity. So, are dental bridges permanent? Not exactly. While dental bridges provide a long-term solution for...

In the pursuit of overall well-being, maintaining optimal oral health plays a crucial role. While we diligently brush and floss daily, many wonder whether regular dental checkups are truly necessary. The answer is a resounding yes. Here’s why: 1. Early Detection of Oral Health Issues: Dental checkups offer a...

The thought of a dental cleaning can sometimes evoke concern, especially regarding potential damage to teeth. However, the truth is that dental cleanings are safe and do not harm healthy teeth. In fact, they are essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing future problems. Let’s debunk some common...

Dental crowns are among the most common restorative procedures performed by dentists. But the question arises: are dental crowns always necessary? Understanding their purpose and benefits will help you make informed decisions about your dental care. What are Dental Crowns? Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that completely cover a...

A dental extraction, also known as tooth extraction or exodontia, is the process of removing a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. This procedure may be necessary for various reasons, including: Severe tooth decay: When a tooth is severely decayed and cannot be repaired with a filling or crown, extraction...

Dental fillings, a familiar solution for treating cavities and restoring damaged teeth, are often considered a permanent fix. However, the reality is a bit more nuanced. While they offer a long-term solution, dental fillings are not permanent and require maintenance to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Understanding the Longevity...

Receding gums, a common dental issue, can raise concerns about the fit and stability of dentures. While dentures are typically designed to rest on the gums, receding gums may not provide sufficient support, leading to discomfort and functionality issues. However, the good news is that dentures can still be...

A root canal is a common dental procedure used to treat a tooth infected with bacteria. The procedure involves removing the infected pulp from the tooth and sealing the canal to prevent further infection. While generally successful, some concerns remain regarding the possibility of the abscess returning. Understanding the...

After undergoing scaling and root planing (deep cleaning), you may wonder if it’s safe to resume using your electric toothbrush. The answer depends on several factors, including your individual healing process and the type of electric toothbrush you have. Immediately Following the Procedure: It’s generally recommended to avoid using...

Many people with braces desire a brighter smile, raising the question: can teeth be whitened while wearing them? The answer is yes, but with some limitations and considerations. Why Teeth Whitening with Braces Can Be Challenging: Brackets and wires can block the whitening agent: These orthodontic components can obstruct the...

After undergoing a tooth extraction, it’s natural to wonder when and how to resume your regular oral hygiene routine. Brushing your teeth is a crucial part of maintaining oral health, but there’s a need for caution after a tooth extraction to prevent complications and promote healing. When to Start...

Gum pain after a dental cleaning can be uncomfortable, but it’s usually temporary and several methods can help relieve it. Here are some options: Over-the-counter pain relievers: Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin): An excellent choice for both pain and inflammation. Follow the dosage instructions carefully. Acetaminophen (Tylenol): Effective for pain relief, but not...

No, dental crowns themselves don’t inherently cause bad breath. However, there are situations where bad breath can be associated with dental crowns: Improper crown placement: Poorly sealed margins: This is the area where the crown meets the tooth. If there’s even a small gap, food particles and bacteria can get...

Yes, dental fillings can fall out. Unfortunately, even though they are designed to be durable and long-lasting, they are not perfect and can become loose or dislodge for various reasons. Here are some things to know about fillings falling out: Why it happens: Normal wear and tear: Fillings are under...

Yes, it is possible to have a dental implant placed the same day as a tooth extraction. This procedure is called immediate dental implant placement or “Teeth in a Day”. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s right for you: Pros: Reduced...

It’s completely normal to experience some pain after a tooth extraction, and the duration varies depending on several factors. Here’s a breakdown: Normal pain: Typically lasts: 1-3 days Characteristics: Throbbing, aching, tenderness, gum sensitivity, swelling Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, applying a cold compress, gentle saltwater rinses, following your...

Yes, a dental crown can potentially be repaired, but whether it’s feasible depends on several factors: Extent of damage: Minor chips or cracks: These can often be fixed with composite bonding, a process similar to getting a filling. The dentist applies a tooth-colored resin to the damaged area and sculpts it...

The pain experience during a dental deep cleaning can vary depending on a few factors: During the procedure: Severity of gum disease: Deeper gum pockets and inflamed gums are more likely to be sensitive to the cleaning process. In some cases, local anesthetic (numbing gel or injection) can be used...

While dairy does offer some benefits like calcium and vitamin D, there are a few reasons why your dentist might recommend avoiding it after getting a dental implant: Increased risk of infection: Bacterial growth: Dairy products, especially when left at room temperature, can harbor harmful bacteria. After surgery, your mouth...

Yes, you can eat with temporary dentures, but it will take some getting used to. They are not as stable or well-fitting as permanent dentures, so you may need to be careful about what you eat and how you chew. Here are some tips for eating with temporary dentures:...

Whether a loose dental bridge can be recemented depends on a few factors: The cause of the looseness: Simple loosening: If the bridge is simply a bit loose due to wear and tear, the cement may have weakened or eroded. In this case, it’s likely that your dentist can remove the...

For many denture wearers, the question of sleeping with their dentures in is a common one. While it might seem convenient to skip the cleaning routine and keep your smile intact through the night, dentists generally recommend against this practice. Let’s delve into the reasons why and explore the...

A root canal procedure, while highly effective in saving infected teeth, often leaves patients wondering about the recovery timeline. So, how long does it take to heal after a root canal? Buckle up, as the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Understanding the Healing Process: Healing after...

Plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line can wreak havoc on your oral health, leading to gum disease, inflammation, and even tooth loss. Enter root planing and scaling, a non-surgical procedure designed to combat these issues and promote healthy gums. But does it really work? Let’s delve into...

Ah, coffee – the beloved morning (and afternoon, and sometimes evening) beverage that jumpstarts our day. But what happens when you’ve just had your teeth professionally whitened, and that cup of joe is calling your name? Fear not, coffee lovers! Here’s the scoop on how long you should wait...

Just had a tooth extracted? While you might reach for the minty mouthwash to freshen your breath and keep things clean, it’s important to pause, because using mouthwash too soon after a tooth extraction can actually hinder healing and cause complications. The Reason Behind the Wait: After a tooth...

February 6, 2024Do dental bridges hurt?

If you’re considering a dental bridge to replace missing teeth, you might be worried about potential pain during the procedure or recovery. While “pain” isn’t a typical experience, there can be some discomfort and sensitivity involved. Let’s delve into what to expect and how to manage any discomfort associated...

So, you’ve just had your teeth professionally cleaned – congrats on taking that important step for your oral health! But now you might be wondering, “Can I brush my teeth after a dental cleaning?” The answer, like many things in dentistry, depends on the type of cleaning you received...

Dental crowns, those little tooth-shaped caps that restore and protect damaged teeth, are renowned for their effectiveness. But let’s face it, they also come with a price tag that can make your wallet wince. So, what exactly contributes to their cost, and are there ways to make them more...

So you’ve just had a cavity filled, and your stomach’s rumbling. Can you dig in right away, or do you need to wait? The answer, like many things in dentistry, depends! Here’s the scoop on what to expect about eating after a filling. The Filling Factor: The type of...

Getting adjusted to new dentures can be a roller coaster, and gagging is a common bump on that ride. But fear not, fellow denture wearer! Here are some tips to help you quell the gag reflex and enjoy a more comfortable experience: Fit First: Consult your dentist: The most crucial...

Scaling and root planing, often known as a deep cleaning, is a dental procedure that removes plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line. While it’s crucial for maintaining healthy gums and teeth, it’s natural to wonder when you can resume your regular diet. The short answer: It depends...

February 6, 2024Does tooth extraction hurt?

Toothache can be excruciating, and the thought of getting a tooth pulled might send shivers down your spine. But fear not! While tooth extractions aren’t exactly a walk in the park, modern dentistry offers effective pain management strategies to make the process as comfortable as possible. During the Procedure:...

Our teeth take a beating throughout our lives, crunching, grinding, and battling sugary foes. But sometimes, this inevitable wear and tear escalates into a full-blown dental emergency. Knowing what constitutes an dental emergency and acting promptly can save you pain, prevent complications, and even salvage a tooth. So, what...

The age-old question: how often should you get a dental checkup? While the classic “twice a year” adage has been drilled into our heads, the truth is, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. Your unique smile needs play a major role in determining the ideal frequency of your dental visits....

While regular dental cleanings are crucial for maintaining oral hygiene, sometimes you might require a more intensive approach. This is where dental deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, comes in. It’s like giving your teeth a spring cleaning, reaching beyond the surface to combat more stubborn...

Both root canals and implants are dental procedures aimed at saving or replacing damaged teeth. But when it comes to pain, which one takes the crown (pun intended)? The answer, like much in dentistry, isn’t straightforward. It depends on several factors, and individual experiences can vary. Understanding the Procedures:...

February 6, 2024What are dental crowns?

A dental crown, often referred to as a cap, is a tooth-shaped restoration that fits over a damaged or weakened tooth. It encases the entire visible portion of the tooth, restoring its strength, shape, size, and even appearance. Think of it as a protective helmet for your precious tooth!...

February 6, 2024What is a dental bridge?

A missing tooth can be more than just a cosmetic concern. It can impact your ability to chew, speak clearly, and even affect your self-confidence. Fortunately, there are solutions available, and one of the most popular is the dental bridge. But what exactly is a dental bridge, and how...

Invisalign’s clear aligners have revolutionized teeth straightening, offering a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces. But one question lingers on many minds: how long does Invisalign treatment actually take? Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The duration of your Invisalign journey depends on several factors, making it more...

Invisalign’s clear aligners offer a discreet way to achieve a straighter smile, but just like any orthodontic treatment, success relies on proper care. Maintaining your aligners isn’t difficult, but a few key steps can make a big difference in their effectiveness and lifespan. Here’s how to keep your Invisalign...

1. Weymouth Town Hall Weymouth Town Hall, located at 75 Middle St, Weymouth, MA 02189, United States, stands as a historical and administrative hub for the town. Constructed in 1928, this impressive structure embodies classic American architecture, featuring grand columns and intricate detailing. Serving as the seat of local...