
What are dental crowns?

A dental crown, often referred to as a cap, is a tooth-shaped restoration that fits over a damaged or weakened tooth. It encases the entire visible portion of the tooth, restoring its strength, shape, size, and even appearance. Think of it as a protective helmet for your precious tooth!

Why are dental crowns used?

Crowns offer a versatile solution for various dental concerns:

  • Repairing cracked or broken teeth: When a significant portion of your tooth breaks away due to trauma or accident, a crown can restore its functionality and prevent further damage.
  • Protecting teeth after root canal treatment: Root canal therapy removes the infected pulp, leaving the tooth more fragile. A crown strengthens the tooth and shields it from future fractures.
  • Restoring severely decayed teeth: Extensive cavities can compromise the tooth’s structure. A crown rebuilds the lost tooth structure and protects the underlying filling.
  • Improving cosmetic appearance: Crowns can be used to cover discolored, misshapen, or misaligned teeth, enhancing your smile’s aesthetics.

Learn more: Can a dental crown be repaired?

Types of dental crowns:

Crowns come in various materials, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Metal crowns: Durable and affordable, but less aesthetically pleasing due to their metallic color.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns: Strong, aesthetically pleasing, and more natural-looking than metal crowns.
  • All-ceramic crowns: Offer the most natural appearance, but may be slightly less durable than other types.
  • Zirconia crowns: Very strong, aesthetically pleasing, and biocompatible, making them a popular choice.

The dental crown procedure:

Getting a crown usually involves two appointments:

  1. Preparation: The dentist numbs the area and removes a small amount of enamel to accommodate the crown’s thickness. An impression of the prepared tooth and surrounding teeth is taken.
  2. Placement: A temporary crown is fitted while the permanent crown is crafted in a dental lab based on the impressions. During the second appointment, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is carefully cemented onto the prepared tooth.

Caring for your dental crown:

With proper care, dental crowns can last for many years. Here are some tips:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and flossing once daily.
  • Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods that can damage the crown.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups for professional cleaning and crown evaluation.

Dental crowns are a valuable tool for restoring and protecting your teeth. If you have any questions or concerns about crowns, consult your dentist for personalized advice.

If you are looking for a Weymouth dentist near you, please visit Comfort Dental Weymouth, 47 Washington St, Weymouth, MA 02188, (781) 337-3300.