What’s the Right Age to Get Dental Veneers

Dental veneers represent a particular division of advanced dental sciences. These aesthetically appealing dental pieces were curated to hide any imperfections in your teeth like discoloration, gaps, chipped teeth, etc. These veneers look just like your natural teeth, so when they are positioned over the affected teeth, they look just like a part of your natural set of teeth. Given the sturdiness of the material they are made of, these veneers can last for several years with some basic care.

Right Age for Veneers?

What’s the exact right age to get dental veneers? If you are just a teenager and have crooked or chipped teeth, could you go for them? Or should you wait to get a bit old and then seek them out? Also, is it safe to get dental veneers at an advanced age?

Those who still have developing teeth are recommended to wait until they turn 18 before going for dental veneers. While they can still get dental veneers sooner, because their teeth will continue to evolve and may grow again, the positioning and placement of veneers could get affected, defeating the very purpose of having them on your teeth. Your dentist will always recommend waiting till your teeth stop developing, and then going for these veneers.

The good news is, there is no late age to get dental veneers. So, no matter how old you are, you can always go for dental veneers to hide your dental imperfections. However, if there are certain gum-related concerns that you suffer from, you must seek your dentist’s advice first.

Dental Veneers for Teenagers

Having imperfect teeth when you are just in your teens is never going to keep you in a happy space. You are going to get uncomfortable showing your broken, chipped, gapped, or crooked teeth. Dental veneers give you the power to hide these imperfections. Since dental veneers are custom-made and based on your natural teeth, they have the same color and design. So, when you position them over your natural teeth, they will look no different at all.

If your dentist hasn’t recommended going for dental veneers just as yet, you can always consider safer alternatives like dental bonding, or even lumineers, which do more or less the same job. You must keep in mind that dental veneers require shaving a small bit of your natural enamel to make a base for them, and that this process is irreversible. You may consult your dentist to learn more about this.

Dental Veneers for the Elderly

Almost everyone who has entered the latter part of their life struggles with some or other issues with their teeth. They would have discolored teeth, crooked teeth, chipped or broken teeth here and there. Dental veneers prove themselves to be an effective medium for hiding all of these and restoring their confidence and smile like in their younger days.

At the same time, if they have certain gum problems or decaying teeth, they would not be the right candidates for dental veneers. They will need to speak with their dentist and deal with these underlying issues first. If they have lost their entire tooth, then also they wouldn’t be able to go for dental veneers, since there will be no foundation left to position them upon.

Dental Veneers for Everyone Else

If you do not have a condition that is related to your teeth or gums, there is absolutely nothing that can stop you from getting dental veneers. Simply reserve a consultation session with your dentist, and have them explain the procedure, the pros and cons, cost and duration included before you make your decision.

If you choose dental veneers, they will be worth your investment, that’s for sure!

Dental Veneers and the Different Types You Can Procure Them In

Dental veneers are the perfect solution for all those who do not want to get dental implants or are missing just a part of their tooth. Some also get these to hide their crooked teeth and instead make the entire set appear perfect.

The benefits you can obtain from these brilliant teeth enhancements are many. However, you need to understand dental veneers better before you even consider them. You need to know what they are made of, and how these different materials can benefit you in their own unique ways.

The first thing you need to know is that dental veneers come in all shapes and sizes, depending on one’s specific requirements. They can perfectly align with your teeth, so much so that when you display them alongside your teeth, most would not be able to tell the difference. These also last for several years or longer, depending on how much effort you put into their upkeep.

Different Materials Used in Dental Veneers

Porcelain Veneers:

It is probably the most common and well-known material used for manufacturing veneers. These are derived from high-quality ceramic since that is one material that comes close to perfectly mimicking how dental enamel looks. Their application may need a few sessions, based on how many teeth have to be covered with these. The top benefits of getting porcelain veneers are:

· They carry a far better aesthetic appeal than all other materials used to make dental veneers

· They can last for a long time provided you put extra care into them

· Veneers made from these can resist the toughest of stains that are otherwise acquired from tea, coffee, wine, or similar staining consumables

Composite Veneers

These veneers are made from resin that bears a striking resemblance to a tooth. Resin is also the very material that is otherwise used extensively for tooth bonding. Unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers can be positioned above the teeth to perfection in a single session. The only time taken would be how much it would take to manufacture them in a lab. Their top benefits are:

· These are much cheaper than porcelain veneers and yet deliver almost the same results

· These can be applied in a single session itself

· If they ever get damaged, repairing them is more easy than porcelain veneers


These also represent a specific brand of dental veneers, and despite being made from porcelain, are ultra-thin in size. Also, unlike porcelain veneers that require taking off a small portion of enamel to fix the veneer. Lumineers can be directly affixed on the affected tooth without chipping off any part of it. The top advantages of lumineers are:

· These are minimally invasive, so you don’t have to worry about undergoing a surgery for getting these

· The procedure to put these on can also be reversed if you ever choose to do so in the future

· These veneers are so comfortable and natural to wear that you wouldn’t even remember having them on after a while

Palatal Veneers

These are specific veneers that cover the inner surfaces of the upper teeth in the front. These are mostly used to cover those teeth that have worn down due to teeth grinding or due to teeth erosion due to multiple reasons. Their top benefits are:

· These cover the inner surfaces of your teeth, which no other veneers do

· These veneers can withstand extensive grinding and biting due to the kind of material they are made of

You must visit your dentist and discuss all the available dental veneer options before making your decision. After all, your veneers will continue to serve you for several years or even decades, so you must make the right choice in the first go. Your dentist can certainly make it easy for you to pick your choice.

Discuss more about dental veneers with your dentist today to get started.

Changes to Make in What You Eat and Drink after Dental Veneers

Your broken or chipped tooth doesn’t need to be a cause of concern anymore. With dental veneers, you now have a solution that can hide all those teeth issues and can smile with more confidence than ever. Dental veneers are sturdy, durable, and have the same appearance as regular teeth. So, they don’t stand out when you have them on. Still, you need to care for them in all ways, and that includes what you eat and how you eat that.

Most of the issues with foods can be dealt with with proper brushing and flossing. However, there’s only so much that these measures can do. To make your dental veneers last for the longest possible time, here’s what you have to do:

No More Hard Foods

Foods like raw vegetables, nuts, candies, or even ice can be rather harder to chew than other food types, so much so that they can damage veneers. This doesn’t mean that you need to do away with them completely. If you like those anyway, you can have them broken down into smaller portions so that you can still enjoy them without harming your veneers.

Stay Away from Sticky Foods

Chewing gums and caramels are sticky foods that can stick to dental veneers and even move them from their position when you try to get rid of the stuck food. Such foods are known to harm natural teeth as well, in the form of cavities and decays, so they should anyway be avoided as much as possible. If you can find some that are relatively less sticky, you could go for those instead.

Keep a Check on Consuming Foods and Drinks that can Stain

Several kinds of foods and beverages can stain your teeth as soon as you consume them. Dental veneers are no exception. Those too are stains just as quickly after consuming such items. So, you should either stop having them altogether or keep a check on when you have them, and have considerable gaps before consuming them again. In either case, brush your teeth every time you have any of those to wash away the stains created as soon as they are made.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is one of the best gifts of Mother Nature. Drinking lots of water keeps your mouth clean, while also rinsing out anything that may have stuck between your teeth and veneers. Water also helps reduce the acidic nature of certain foods, which is another benefit your body and dental veneers get by simply drinking it.

Go for a Balanced Diet

What you eat goes a long way in keeping you healthy. The nutrients your body derives from a healthy meal are also passed on to your teeth and gums. This also helps keep the bonding between the teeth and veneers strong all along. Your dentist can help prepare a diet chart for all the foods you can have to get the best nutrients out of them.

Visit Your Dentist Often

Your regular dental visits can do you more good than you could ever imagine. Your dentist needs to see where your teeth and veneers stand when you visit them. They can identify if there is some work needed on either of them, based on which you can decide what you want to do about it. If there was some harm done, your dentist’s advice and medications will help reduce or stop any further harm then and there. So, take these visits seriously and avoid missing them at all costs.

Remember, your dental veneers are cosmetic enhancements that can do a lot for you if you take proper care of them. Ensure that you get only the best of those from a proven dentist who can customize them based on your teeth issues and can fix them perfectly to last a lifetime. Trust their advice too, for that too will go a long way in helping you do what’s best for you and for your dental veneers. Call the leading dentist near you to learn more about the amazing dental veneers today!

Dental Veneers are Just What You Need if You Suffer from These

Before anything else, you must know that dental veneers and dental implants work differently. Dental implants are artificial teeth that replace missing teeth in your mouth right from their roots. Dental veneers on the other hand mostly cover the imperfections in teeth by capping them up with veneers. At the same time, just like implants, dental veneers can also be customized as per one’s requirement, so that they can effectively address their functional and aesthetic needs.

Dental veneers can do a great job of making your smile look more vibrant and powerful than before. However, if you haven’t got them yet and are wondering if they are the right choice for you or not, consider these points first:

You have Discolored Teeth: Teeth can lose their natural peal color due to a number of reasons such as consumption of tea, coffee, wine, or even smoking. The use of medications and aging can also lead to teeth discoloration. While you can try methods that help restore some form of color, dental veneers can make your teeth look sparking white yet again by hiding the discolored teeth with specially crafted veneers.

Your Teeth Look a Bit Worn Out: Your teeth can wear out due to several reasons such as teeth grinding, age, or due to acidic nature of certain foods and drinks. While the eroded tooth cannot be replaced, veneers can be affixed atop them to make them look just as perfect as they were before.

There are Visible Chipped Teeth: Certain teeth portions can break and fall due to all kinds of accidents. If the damage is rather significant, the chipped tooth can also affect how your teeth should function. Dental veneers help restore proper teeth functioning while also ensuring that there is no more loss of tooth portions. Even if you have crooked or uneven teeth, veneers can perfectly hide those and make your smile look flawless again.

There are Gaps Between Teeth: Teeth gaps can also happen due to several reasons, such as loss of teeth, malnutrition, a tooth growing faster than normal, some jawbone injury, or genetic reasons. In either case, dental veneers can perfectly hide those gaps through wider veneers. Your dentist will make sure that despite being wider, your specific veneers won’t give an uneven appearance while positioned among your other teeth.

Your Teeth Are Misaligned: Teeth misalignment is very common among adults and children alike. These misalignment could be caused by crooked teeth, uneven growth of teeth, or irregularly shaped teeth. In any case, veneers can hide these imperfections, so that those who get to see your jaw would see perfectly aligned teeth that sparkle and impress as you smile.

You have certain Genetic Dental Conditions: Teeth development is greatly affected by your genes. Moreover, if your diet isn’t good, or if you have suffered from some illness when your teeth were supposed to develop, they will not develop perfectly. Dental veneers can cover up these imperfections and help regain your lost confidence for good.

It is also likely that you may not need dental veneers at all. After all, veneers are a form of cosmetic uplift of teeth, and aren’t meant for everyone. You can get in touch with the leading dentist near you and get all your answers about dental veneers today. You can also ask them how you can make them last long and continue to sparkle without the need to get them redone soon.

Book your appointment 

How to Take Proper Care of Dental Veneers and Make them Last Forever

There are a number of benefits of getting dental veneers atop your teeth with cracks, chips, or gaps in between. These are crafted to not only serve the purpose of making your teeth look and feel whole again but also make your smile appear more vibrant than ever. Moreover, these veneers are durable, and with proper care can last for a lifetime. But, for that to happen, it’s necessary to know how these veneers can be protected and cared for in the best ways possible.  

You can always discuss the best ways to do that with your dentist. But just in case, here’s how you too can do it right by yourself:  

Take Care of Your Oral Health 

Dental veneers need proper care and attention like regular teeth. So, just as you brush your teeth and floss regularly, you need to do the same with veneers as well. You must make sure to use a soft-bristled brush only along so that even the surfaces of the veneers aren’t scratched. This helps keep stuck food particles and plaque away from your teeth.  

Avoid Foods that are Difficult to Chew or are Sticky 

Dental veneers work almost like regular teeth, so they too can get damaged when you try eating foods that have a hard surface, or are rather sticky in nature. Even chewing on items such as nails or pens can damage the veneers too. So, avoid doing any of that as much as you can. 

Minimize Foods or Drinks that can Leave a Stain 

It must be noted that dental veneers have a high resistance to stains, so any drink or food with a color will not damage them. But veneers are just ahead of your natural teeth, which could still easily get the stains. Those stains wouldn’t be easy to hide, and in fact, would look more bad than how they would have appeared without veneers. So, keep your consumption of tea, coffee, wine, or even smoking in check, which are known to cause maximum stains. You could also brush your teeth and rinse properly to remove any stains caused then and there.  

Don’t Grind Your Teeth 

It’s very common among several people to grind their teeth when they are stressed or thinking something loud. Certain health conditions can also lead to teeth grinding. The problem is, that this grinding can damage dental veneers, and they would need to be completely replaced if that happens. Avoid doing that by speaking with your dentist. They can help you with certain relaxation techniques and even suggest the use of some measures like a night guard.  

Never Ignore any Dental Issue 

If you have tooth pain, or have issues with your teeth or veneers, such as cracks, chips, gaps, or loose veneers, get in touch with your dentist. They would know of the ways to control the damage and help you keep your veneers in good shape. Just in case some damage has happened, they would also try to fix that up if possible as soon as they can.  

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle 

Eating the right food and staying hydrated can go a long way in keeping you as well as your teeth (and veneers) healthy. You can always ask your dentist to prepare a list of fruits, veggies, and grains that can help keep your teeth and gums strong forever. The foods that must be avoided as much as possible include those with sugar or acidic nature, since they also loosen up your veneer fittings. 

Never Miss Your Dentist Visits 

It goes without saying that your dentist will be the best person to tell you how to keep your veneers going strong forever. Do not miss appointments with them, for that can always tell you if your veneers need some work or if you have already been doing a great job in maintaining them. This visit will also help them check for other possible issues that may need to be addressed. You can make this visit at least once every 6 months, if not sooner. 

Call up your dentist today for more tips and benefits related to veneers, and how they can help spread your amazing smile all around you. 

Facts that Make Dental Veneers a Must-Have for You

If you are planning to get a dental veneer for your teeth, you will already know everything about them. Well, except for a few facts about them. For you, these veneers would be to make your teeth look even and as good as you always imagined them to be. Dental veneers, however, are much more than that.

Dental veneers are indeed packed with a lot of features that set them in a league of their own. You can definitely consider these for your teeth due to these top 5 facts:

Dental Veneers Can Fix a Lot of Flaws

Dental veneers are meant to give a cosmetic uplift to your teeth. While doing so, these cover up a lot of flaws that might have been there before, such as:

  • Reducing tooth sensitivity, which can cause immense pain otherwise
  • If your enamel is damaged, it prevents any further damage
  • Reshape and improve how your teeth will look
  • Make short teeth look longer than they actually are
  • Cover up any cracked tooth and make it look fuller

The Choice of Material Depends on How Your Teeth Look

Typically, most dental veneers are made either from some composite material or porcelain. Both these materials are very sturdy and can last for several years without losing their sheen. However, your dentist will need to take a look at your teeth before they decide which material would do the best job.

Dental Veneers Do not Need Additional Tooth Care

Dental veneers are very sturdy and can last over your teeth for several years. You can continue flossing or brushing them like your other teeth, which actually does great wonders for their upkeep too. At most, you will need to visit your dentist after periodic intervals for a quick check.

Dental Veneers Can Last for a Long, but Not Forever

Upkeep and maintaining hygiene of your mouth is of paramount importance. These help keep your veneers healthy and strong for several years. The estimated life cycle is usually 15-20 years, which is good enough for most. Post that, you will need to get them replaced/rechecked yet again.

Dental Veneers Can be Customized in Any Way You Want

Not everyone needs the same kind of veneers. The needs vary, depending on how one’s set of teeth looks like. So, some dental veneers could be thicker or sleeker, while other veneers may be longer or shorter. Your dentist will be the best judge of which ones you could use. They would walk you through the screening of your mouth, and how implanting veneers can make everything great for you.


Implanting Dental Veneers Take Time

While it may not seem much, dental veneers are very sophisticated to the very last atom, regardless of how small or simple they may look from the outside. Implanting them within your teeth isn’t easy either, and may require several sitting with your dentist, depending upon the health of your teeth and how you want them to look like. Your dentist will share all available options for you before deciding the best course of action.

In any case, dental veneers are certain to make your teeth sharper and stronger than they were before. From the outside, they would only complement how your teeth look in terms of shape, size, and color. But with those in your mouth, you will know that you are not ready to face the world with a newfound confidence and a warm and welcoming smile.

Learn more about the benefits of dental veneers, their usage in your daily life, and why you need them more today than ever. Visit your dentist today and discuss them in detail.