Before anything else, you must know that dental veneers and dental implants work differently. Dental implants are artificial teeth that replace missing teeth in your mouth right from their roots. Dental veneers on the other hand mostly cover the imperfections in teeth by capping them up with veneers. At the same time, just like implants, dental veneers can also be customized as per one’s requirement, so that they can effectively address their functional and aesthetic needs.
Dental veneers can do a great job of making your smile look more vibrant and powerful than before. However, if you haven’t got them yet and are wondering if they are the right choice for you or not, consider these points first:
You have Discolored Teeth: Teeth can lose their natural peal color due to a number of reasons such as consumption of tea, coffee, wine, or even smoking. The use of medications and aging can also lead to teeth discoloration. While you can try methods that help restore some form of color, dental veneers can make your teeth look sparking white yet again by hiding the discolored teeth with specially crafted veneers.
Your Teeth Look a Bit Worn Out: Your teeth can wear out due to several reasons such as teeth grinding, age, or due to acidic nature of certain foods and drinks. While the eroded tooth cannot be replaced, veneers can be affixed atop them to make them look just as perfect as they were before.
There are Visible Chipped Teeth: Certain teeth portions can break and fall due to all kinds of accidents. If the damage is rather significant, the chipped tooth can also affect how your teeth should function. Dental veneers help restore proper teeth functioning while also ensuring that there is no more loss of tooth portions. Even if you have crooked or uneven teeth, veneers can perfectly hide those and make your smile look flawless again.
There are Gaps Between Teeth: Teeth gaps can also happen due to several reasons, such as loss of teeth, malnutrition, a tooth growing faster than normal, some jawbone injury, or genetic reasons. In either case, dental veneers can perfectly hide those gaps through wider veneers. Your dentist will make sure that despite being wider, your specific veneers won’t give an uneven appearance while positioned among your other teeth.
Your Teeth Are Misaligned: Teeth misalignment is very common among adults and children alike. These misalignment could be caused by crooked teeth, uneven growth of teeth, or irregularly shaped teeth. In any case, veneers can hide these imperfections, so that those who get to see your jaw would see perfectly aligned teeth that sparkle and impress as you smile.
You have certain Genetic Dental Conditions: Teeth development is greatly affected by your genes. Moreover, if your diet isn’t good, or if you have suffered from some illness when your teeth were supposed to develop, they will not develop perfectly. Dental veneers can cover up these imperfections and help regain your lost confidence for good.
It is also likely that you may not need dental veneers at all. After all, veneers are a form of cosmetic uplift of teeth, and aren’t meant for everyone. You can get in touch with the leading dentist near you and get all your answers about dental veneers today. You can also ask them how you can make them last long and continue to sparkle without the need to get them redone soon.