
Why These Five Potential Dental Veneer Risks Should Not Concern You

Dental veneers give you a great option to hide any problems related to your teeth with something that makes your entire set of teeth appear perfect. These resemble your natural teeth, and are always based on their natural appearance. Dentists put in all the efforts to ensure that you can always accept veneers as an upgrade for your broken, stained, chipped, or gapped teeth, and not as any regular dental accessory. Besides, dental veneers also give more strength to your teeth, aiding in biting and chewing and enjoying your food to the fullest.

At the same time, because they aren’t your natural teeth, you could very well have your reservations about that. You are not alone in thinking along those lines. As a matter of fact, there are many concerns that people around the world have regarding dental veneers. The truth is, none of those concerns hold weight. Here’s how.

· Tooth Sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity is real and can affect anyone who has weak tooth enamel. Since dental veneers require shaving off a small bit of this enamel, many believe that this harms your teeth. The reality is that this small shaved portion is next to negligible and does not harm your tooth at all. Instead, this helps set up the base for dental veneers that will improve your teeth’s overall functionality. Having said that, you would experience some form of sensitivity because your teeth will be operated upon, but it will be bearable and will subside within a few weeks, if not sooner.

· Irreversible Procedure: People believe that since dental veneers require removing a portion of enamel, it’s irreversible. While this is true, your teeth are instead covered by a porcelain-based dental veneer that will be sturdier and will continue to serve you over the next several decades. After that, even if you have to replace the veneers, you can get that done easily for the next several decades again. With your teeth getting an enhanced sense of strength, why would you even want to consider losing a small portion of your affected teeth anyway?

· Veneers Getting Damaged: Some also believe that dental veneers can get damaged rather easily, and so have to be taken care of at all times. This is not true, for despite their thin shape, dental veneers are made of porcelain, which is a very sturdy material and can easily withstand normal chewing and biting. You must only not try to bite certain hard materials that you wouldn’t do with your other teeth too anyway. Other than that, you just have to brush and floss your teeth as always, which will also help keep your dental veneers in their best shape over several decades.

· Gum Irritation: Dental veneers are an external enhancement, and so if not fitted correctly can cause a lot of gum irritation. This is one of the most important reasons why you must approach a highly experienced dentist to install dental veneers over your affected teeth. With their understanding of the right material and how to execute the procedure to perfection, you will not have to worry about gum irritation at all.

· Teeth Color Not Matching: Dental veneers are manufactured after careful assessment of your teeth. So, unless your dentist doesn’t understand the very process of installing them, there is no way they would not base them on your actual teeth, in terms of shape, size, and color. Once you have them in your mouth, even you won’t be able to tell the difference after a while.


While it’s good to have your doubts about something you have never used before, dental veneers definitely do not fit into that category. These amazing dental cosmetic devices have been devised after a lot of research and trials. All these alone make them a great choice for all those who are not happy with how their teeth look and want to enhance their appearance. Dental veneers give you that one-way ticket to get your smile back and flaunt it like you don’t care anymore.

Speak to your dentist about any other concerns you may have about dental veneers today. By the end of the day, you would come to appreciate the many benefits associated with dental veneers instead. Give your dentist a call today to get started.