Keep Your Invisalign Aligners Safe, Secure and Effective by Doing This

Nobody likes imperfect teeth. Unfortunately, almost everyone has a teeth problem in some form or the other. So, no matter how crooked your teeth are, with proper attention and care, you can fix them up in a matter of time. While braces used to be the top preference to align teeth, they were an eyesore and weren’t very comfortable to wear in the first place. Invisalign, however, changed the demography by a good margin. 

What makes invisalign aligners a great choice is the fact that they are transparent yet effective in fixing all teeth alignment issues. This way, they can align your teeth even while you are at work or at a party, with nobody noticing them. They are also very easy to apply and remove, which is yet another benefit you can always look forward to. 

If you want your invisalign aligners to work perfectly, you will have to do your bit in caring for them as well. In case you aren’t sure how to do that, read on. 

Follow the Directions for Wearing Them 

Invisalign aligners work best when you keep them on for at least 20 hours every day. The only time you have to take them off is when you are eating or drinking, or while brushing your teeth. Make sure to rinse your mouth after doing any of the above, and before putting the invisalign aligners back on. Do not keep them off for a long time, for that will not allow the aligners to keep a constant pressure on your teeth, which is required to align them as needed. 

Keep Your Oral Hygiene on Top Priority 

While aligners can fix your teeth’s alignment, they cannot help keep them clean. Instead, you will have to put in double the effort with them. Not only will you need to keep your teeth clean and flossed, but you will also need to keep the aligners clean as well. There is a high chance that some debris might also accumulate over them over time, which must be removed to get the best out of these dental marvels. 

Change the Aligners as Suggested by Your Dentist 

Not all aligners work the same. Given their shape and the material they are made of, they have to be replaced at least once every two weeks. While your dentist will be there to remind you about it, you must also make sure to adhere to this schedule in order to make them deliver the desired results quicker. 

Report Any Discomfort or Issue 

Aligners are supposed to sit atop your teeth perfectly. It’s because they are custom-made based on how your teeth are shaped. So, if you ever feel any discomfort while wearing them, keeping them on, or removing them, report this to your dentist. They would need to investigate that and/or replace it if there is any issue with that specific set of aligners. 

Avoid Foods and Drinks that Can Damage Them 

There are lots of foods and drinks that can stain even your natural teeth. For invisalign aligners, though, these may do a lot more damage than that. While you are always advised to remove them before eating and drinking, you must altogether keep yourself away from such foods and drinks. This will go a long way in not only fixing your teeth’s shape but also keeping them healthy and strong. 

While invisalign is very effective and can deliver the results you expect, it also takes some time to deliver them. The time taken will depend on how accurately you follow the treatment, how crooked your teeth are, and how healthy your lifestyle is, among other things. Your dentist will do everything they can to ensure that your teeth are fixed at the earliest, and without you experiencing any discomfort. 

Keep your dentist updated about the progress, which will help them manage the entire procedure effectively. Give them a call now and discuss more about invisalign aligners today.