How to Take Proper Care of Dental Veneers and Make them Last Forever

There are a number of benefits of getting dental veneers atop your teeth with cracks, chips, or gaps in between. These are crafted to not only serve the purpose of making your teeth look and feel whole again but also make your smile appear more vibrant than ever. Moreover, these veneers are durable, and with proper care can last for a lifetime. But, for that to happen, it’s necessary to know how these veneers can be protected and cared for in the best ways possible.  

You can always discuss the best ways to do that with your dentist. But just in case, here’s how you too can do it right by yourself:  

Take Care of Your Oral Health 

Dental veneers need proper care and attention like regular teeth. So, just as you brush your teeth and floss regularly, you need to do the same with veneers as well. You must make sure to use a soft-bristled brush only along so that even the surfaces of the veneers aren’t scratched. This helps keep stuck food particles and plaque away from your teeth.  

Avoid Foods that are Difficult to Chew or are Sticky 

Dental veneers work almost like regular teeth, so they too can get damaged when you try eating foods that have a hard surface, or are rather sticky in nature. Even chewing on items such as nails or pens can damage the veneers too. So, avoid doing any of that as much as you can. 

Minimize Foods or Drinks that can Leave a Stain 

It must be noted that dental veneers have a high resistance to stains, so any drink or food with a color will not damage them. But veneers are just ahead of your natural teeth, which could still easily get the stains. Those stains wouldn’t be easy to hide, and in fact, would look more bad than how they would have appeared without veneers. So, keep your consumption of tea, coffee, wine, or even smoking in check, which are known to cause maximum stains. You could also brush your teeth and rinse properly to remove any stains caused then and there.  

Don’t Grind Your Teeth 

It’s very common among several people to grind their teeth when they are stressed or thinking something loud. Certain health conditions can also lead to teeth grinding. The problem is, that this grinding can damage dental veneers, and they would need to be completely replaced if that happens. Avoid doing that by speaking with your dentist. They can help you with certain relaxation techniques and even suggest the use of some measures like a night guard.  

Never Ignore any Dental Issue 

If you have tooth pain, or have issues with your teeth or veneers, such as cracks, chips, gaps, or loose veneers, get in touch with your dentist. They would know of the ways to control the damage and help you keep your veneers in good shape. Just in case some damage has happened, they would also try to fix that up if possible as soon as they can.  

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle 

Eating the right food and staying hydrated can go a long way in keeping you as well as your teeth (and veneers) healthy. You can always ask your dentist to prepare a list of fruits, veggies, and grains that can help keep your teeth and gums strong forever. The foods that must be avoided as much as possible include those with sugar or acidic nature, since they also loosen up your veneer fittings. 

Never Miss Your Dentist Visits 

It goes without saying that your dentist will be the best person to tell you how to keep your veneers going strong forever. Do not miss appointments with them, for that can always tell you if your veneers need some work or if you have already been doing a great job in maintaining them. This visit will also help them check for other possible issues that may need to be addressed. You can make this visit at least once every 6 months, if not sooner. 

Call up your dentist today for more tips and benefits related to veneers, and how they can help spread your amazing smile all around you.