
How Dental Implants are the Next Best Alternative to Natural Teeth

Unlike conventional dental bridges or even dentures, dental implants were designed to mimic everything that natural teeth can do, if not better. A standard dental implant has three primary parts – 

1) A titanium implant, which fits into the jawbone and is allowed to fuse over a period of a few months. The implant mimics the role of a natural tooth root. 

2) An abutment, which works as a connector that is fit above the implant and above which a crown can be positioned 

3) A crown, which is an imitation of an artificial tooth. Despite it being the outermost part, it is very sturdy and can be considered stronger than natural teeth when it comes to chewing and biting. This crown is custom-made to have the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth so that it doesn’t look apart when placed above the abutment. 

Why Dental Implants are a Great Choice 

  • They are Durable and can Last Long: Your natural teeth are supposed to stay healthy and strong throughout your lifetime. While dentures and bridges need to be replaced after a while, dental implants can stay in their best shape throughout your life too. You will just need to clean them up like your regular teeth, and get them checked by your dentist once in a while. 
  • They Look Natural: Anything other than natural teeth can make your entire jawline look odd and weird. But with dental implants, you can rest assured, for they are based on your very own teeth. So, appearance-wise, they are as natural as you would want them to be. They are also very comfortable to don and can help you enjoy your food just as you like it. 
  • They Maintain Your Oral Health: Dental implants have nothing to do with your natural teeth. At the same time, these implants give much-needed support to your actual teeth, making them stronger and more durable than before. Also, with no teeth missing after you get implants, you can easily brush and floss like you always do. 
  • They Preserve Your Jawbone: When you lose a tooth, the jawbone beneath it starts to deteriorate over time. But with a dental implant holding onto that jawbone, you do not have to worry about such bone loss. This way, both your jawbone and how your facial structure looks from the outside are preserved properly. 
  • They Can Boost Your Confidence and Smile: Losing a tooth would always mean that you will hesitate to smile or laugh as openly as you used to before. But with dental implants in place, you will have the next best thing that resembles your natural teeth. So, there will no longer be that reason to hide your smile. So ahead, smile and showcase those sparkling beauties as they are meant to! 

Dental implants are by all means the next best option you can choose if you have lost a tooth due to an accident or injury. While getting them installed in your mouth may take several months, they present themselves as a life-term solution, a something that you will never need to regret. They will return your jaw’s actual functionality so much that you won’t miss your natural tooth anymore. 

Of course, you will need to get yours from a senior dentist who understands orthodontics and can offer you the best service and support. Their guidance will be paramount in understanding why and how dental implants are the best thing to choose after losing a tooth. They will also ensure that the entire process stays seamless for you at all phases. 

Speak with your dentist and learn more about the amazing benefits of dental implants today. 

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