Dental veneers give you one of the best ways to hide your imperfect teeth and make them look impeccable. So if you have been holding your smile back all this while because of a chipped or broken tooth, veneers are just what you need. These brilliant cosmetic enhancements can fit right in front of your teeth, and can stay over there for a really long time.
Having said that, not everyone believes that dental veneers are the right choice for them. Some consider this an unnecessary accessory, while others are concerned by the loss of enamel needed to fix a veneer. Touching the very foundation of teeth to affix dental veneers also pushes people away from this amazing dental solution.
The truth, however, is completely different. Let’s decode dental veneer concerns one by one.
Unnatural Appearance: Dental veneers aren’t like your natural teeth, which makes many believe that they would not be able to fit in your set. While the earlier versions of veneers indeed looked a bit different, that is no longer the case. Modern-day veneers are crafted and customized to look and feel like your natural teeth. Your own teeth function as their template, so there is no way that these veneers will ever appear any different.
Dental Veneers are Fragile:
You May Experience Sensitivity Issues: Dental veneers are affixed right above the teeth, which means in some way they also affect the gums. Sensitivity will definitely follow, but that’s normal, for it will go away in a few days. If you want an immediate fix, you could go for some sensitivity toothpaste that can keep the sensation in check.
A Costly Affair: While this is true, dental veneers aren’t just a temporary fix. Think about this – dental veneers not only hide your imperfect teeth but they also increase your entire set’s strength. As a result, you will be able to chew better, feel better, and smile with confidence all day long. With some care, your veneers can last really, really long. So consider the cost as a long-term investment in your teeth instead of considering veneers as a one-time costly affair.
High Maintenance Stuff: Many people believe that since dental veneers aren’t natural, they will require a lot of effort in their upkeep. That is not true entirely. While you will have to work on their maintenance, most of that will comprise what you may have been doing already – brushing and flossing your teeth, visiting your dentist once in a while, and not eating certain sticky foods. Other than that, you may not need to do much, if at all.
Discoloration Over Time: Your teeth can get stained due to certain types of foods and drinks. Despite that, many believe that dental veneers couldn’t stand such stains either, and would lose their color rather quickly. That isn’t true at all, for porcelain, the material dental veneers are mostly made of, is highly stain-resistant. You can, though, put some extra effort into brushing your teeth or seeking a dentist to ensure that even your natural teeth don’t lose their natural color. Certain tooth-whitening techniques can also do you a great deal of good.
Irreversible Loss of Enamel: Dental veneers are affixed after slicing off a small portion of your teeth. This is true, except that the portion taken off is next to negligible. In no way does that affect the integrity of your set of teeth. Dental veneers will stay up there for several years, so that one small removed enamel will end up doing a lot more for the aesthetics of your teeth.
Want to discuss more about dental veneers? Then give your nearest dentist a call today to get started.